Zyto Technology

Zyto technology enables a bio-communication exchange of information between your body and the computer which then generates a detailed report that provides insight on specific organs and body systems. Many of our clients have taken advantage of our ZYTO technology and have been extremely pleased with the results.

ZYTO also explores your biological preference for nutritional supplements and treatments that can be beneficial. The scan takes a few minutes to complete. It is non-invasive and is safe for adults and children. Click the button below for the introductory video.



  • Single Visit: $60

  • Package of Six Monthly Visits: $300


for appointments or information

Call us (215) 450-9963

Email: luisa@marpenutrition.com



ZYTO technology functions using many principles of biocommunication. In this brief video, learn how these elements come together in a ZYTO Scan.